Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Urge Veg Rockers not to perform at Brutal Rodeo

In 1983 veteran Rocker Phil Collen went vegetarian out of empathy for the animals who suffer cruel deaths on factory farms and trust me, they are VERY cruel, I have seen some of these myself and some animals are skinned ALIVE, while still others are beaten, strangled, starved and often made to live in cruel conditions and the rodeos are even worse, horses, bulls and other animals are often hit, shocked and put to death in the most painful ways imaginable after breaking their legs during bull riding competitions and bronco riding.

Phil Collen eventually urged some of his other band mates to go vegetarian and some of the fans went vegetarian in support of them. The Cheyenne Frontier Days are one of the largest and most violent rodeos in the US and animals are beaten, run until they can no longer stand and eventually die and most times not quickly.

Animal Cruelty is one of the least prosecuted crimes in the world and we must put a stop to this. Tell Def Leppard and Bon Jovi that animal cruelty is not COOL. Read more at this link. Rodeos

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