Thursday, July 5, 2007

Review of Yeah

I just read a review of Def Leppard's Yeah album from a music critic Chris Akin and I've read many reviews on music and this is possibly the worst piece of CRAP I have ever had the displeasure of reading.

This critic is blind to what Def Leppard is really like as he makes personal attacks on the band and the covers CD Yeah. I will give you a few quotes from him. As a journalist, I try to be very objective when it comes to different bands as I have my favorites and my least favorites but I try to give all of them a fair shake but this guy spares no lives as he drives the blade deep into the hearts of Def Leppard, twisting the knife as he steals the life of Def Leppard's Yeah.

Even though an old review, the fans will remember this as a very spiteful review and I'd compare this to a car crash with no survivors. However, this is just an opinion and doesn't mean that because of this review, Def Leppard might as well toss out their Union Jack flag and go back to the UK with their tail between their legs.

No, it simply means that this guy has not actually listened to this CD with an obective outlook and instead, slashed it to pieces before it could even draw a breath. He buries this CD in an unmarked grave and stomps all over it and dances praise because he murdered the YEAH album and laughs wickedly, knowing he has gotten away with the crime.

Def Leppard over the past decade has had its share of reviews that reek of jealousy and spite because the critics seem to only want to give rave reviews to the newer generation of bands and casually push Def Leppard over the cliff, hoping no one will find them again and pray that the rotting corpse of their reviews don't come back to bite them in the ass or haunt them in their dreams but still they have no conscience as they continue their killing spree and look for more victims to add to their list of murder.

Here is some of what this critic had to say about Def Leppard and their album yeah.

"Their continual downward spiral from greatness through mediocrity to downright awful seems complete with the release of Yeah! After several listens, it is apparent that the band that made such killer albums as High & Dry and Pyromania no longer exists. In its place is a shell band with a bad singer that would never have gotten big if they had come out with anything they have released after 1988.

Yeah! is crap, plain and simple. Elliott, for his part, proves yet again that his voice is shot from years of touring. He's lifeless as Hell, and for the first time, he's just completely abandoned the idea of shifting outside of his speaking voice at all. Gone is all the attitude and all the energy, replaced by dull, standard presentation of a bunch of cover songs."

This guy obviously has no ear for music and the review a crime in itself and the critic deserves life with no possibililty of parole because he literally chokes the life out of this CD and the band. Attacks on the band are clearly stated and he Figuretively snuffs their lives out with the stroke of the keyboard.

If their careers depended on this critic, they would have been over before they got started and Def Leppard would have never made it. In his humble and yet horrific opinion, this guy has shot down Yeah in cold blood and never bothered to call 911.

To read more on this delightful *coughs, gasps and chokes on the word I used for this review because it is far from delightful, go here to this link. RC Music

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