Friday, July 13, 2007

The Battle of the Critics VS Def Leppard

Throughout their careers, Def Leppard has had its share of good and bad reviews. Over the past ten years, they’ve had more than their share of bad reviews, including the most recent from the Columbus Dispatch who Bill Eichenberger says Joe Elliott is mediocre at best to BC Music’s review of Yeah, stating it was pure crap.

The critics seem to agree on one thing and that is Def Leppard is still touring and making albums.

The one thing they can’t agree on is the performance, songs and Joe Elliott’s voice and yes looks.

All of this seems a bit ridiculous when you think of it because they are criticizing them based on superficial bullshit.

Are they all jealous or is Def Leppard simply so good that the only things they can fault them for is Joe’s voice that might be a little tired from weeks of performances on the road or the sound system might be a little off.

Def Leppard seems to let the drops of artificial crap that fall from the sky, narrowly missing their heads and bitter worms bitten from the apple that fell from the rotting tree grown from the tiny seeds of jealous critics to a blooming orchard of snide remarks and wishful thinkers who only wish that they could be Def Leppard fall by the wayside and let it wash away in the rivers of water that go down the drain of the sewers where the rats live.

There are the rare flowers that give Def Leppard the rave reviews they’ve sweated for and earned, such as Lumina Magazine who stated that Def Leppard makes us glad we can hear, perhaps burying the mounds of fertilizer beneath their feet and will thrive on their tiny shreds of barely visible decency when they toss in a couple of left handed comments so as to not come across as a complete jackass.

Def Leppard will just scrape them off their shoes and move on, ignoring the splatters of horse manure that blows backward when the critics are slapped in the face with the rants of Def Leppard’s fans, who strive to defend their honor.

The critics, including myself don’t count when it comes to their careers, what counts is the music and the fans who come to see Def Leppard play. From the first time they see them to the last, Def Leppard gives them an escape from everyday stress and inspires them that tomorrow will be a better day. The critics who give them unfair and prejudiced reviews have their blindfolds on, along with their ear plugs, stuffed in a little too tight. They can’t read between the lines and see and hear the genuine article, the reviews of their fans.

If these critics would bother to take the blindfolds off and take out the ear plugs, they might see that Def Leppard has a style that will never be out of date and their music will continue to provide pleasure for their fans long after they have retired their guitars and put away their mics.

The bad reviews only seem to fuel the men of Def Leppard and they constantly become better, showing the critics that their reviews are in vain. When it comes to the battle of the critics vs Def Leppard, Def Leppard wins hands down, twenty to one. This is all.

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