Before getting into Journalism, I had my very first Def Leppard experience and I'm not talking about seeing them in concert the first time, although that in itself is a memorable experience, especially for Def Leppard, since they played the first time I ever saw them at the quietest gig in Def Leppard history, Salem Oregon.
That should have been my first story considering everything that happened but too little too late but let's put it this way, this venue is one for the books as Def Leppard nearly cancels the gig because they can't turn up the volume but went on with the show and as Joe said, they've never been one to pull out of a gig in their careers and gave the audience 4 encores. The sold out show become 750 less when the audience past row 6 couldn't hear.
My first Def Leppard experience wasn't in seeing them live however, although nothing compares to Def Leppard onstage. Their music is great and you can't help but get into it when you're standing there with your ears booming and the boys are rocking the house.
The venue is in Moline Illinois at a place called Mark of the Quad. For those fans who were there, know what I mean. I arrive there from Burlington Iowa the same night I arrive and not being from Iowa, I don't know my way around and get lost trying to find the venue but when I do, I find a place to park and as luck would have it, the buses are there.
Yes, I am one of the determined ones to hang out at the buses in a typical me moment and wait. The date is June 18th, 2005 and its around umm, 6 in the evening and being from the Pacific Northwest, I am not used to the change in time zones.
It would be like 3 in the afternoon at home and there are around ten fans there, waiting for the guys. On a typical night at a gig, you will see Phil or Viv running around backstage and sometimes Rick but Sav is usually well hidden on the bus or inside the venue. Joe is the last to arrive and will be picked up by Mal in usually a white van.
Either that or he arrives in a car, driven by one of the crew. We wait patiently for the guys but its not looking good and its getting near the time to go inside. It's almost ten minutes before the show and even though they don't go onstage till later, some fans give up and head in to the show.
Its very close to showtime and I decide they are not coming out before the show. On most nights, they come out both before and after the show, depending on when they get there and if they have time. I decide to go inside and get my seat but before that, I buy my Def Leppard T shirt and then go in.
The place is packed and my seat is in the bleachers but its a pretty good seat and I sit down and wait for the show to begin. Opening acts for Def Leppard are sometimes not greeted with the upmost excitement, especially on this tour with Ricky Warwick.
Ricky Warwick from Dublin is a good friend of Joe's and Joe has helped him produce both albums, the first one Tattoos and Alibis. all honesty, Ricky's music isn't my cup of tea but let me tell you, he is a very nice man. I had the opportunity to meet him in Seattle Washington, around the third or 4th show I saw them at on the X tour.
He married his Fiance in Vegas, their last date of the US tour with Joe as his best man at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. She is a very striking young woman and Ricky seemed very happy. Anyway, back to Moline. The show goes down without a hitch and Def Leppard sounds great as usual.
With X as their new album on this tour, they sing a few songs from it along with the classics and the fans enjoyed themselves and you could feel the energy among the fans as Def Leppard stormed the stage, especially during Slang. There is nothing like Slang to get the fans on their feet.
After the show, most fans head home and I head for the buses again. Security is there and per usual, begins watering you with their usual Fertilizer about how the band has left, they aren't coming out, if we don't leave, we'll be arrested and my personal favorite, "You can wait over there" pointing to a street light WAY across the street and it is across from where the main traffic flows by a heavy stream of cars. The buses are not going to stop there to open the doors and sign autographs, what does security think we're stupid?
Some eventually give up though and go home, not wanting to push their luck but the few who stay behind are not letting a security guared chase us off. It is nearly 1:30 in the morning now and the band FINALLY is beginning to come out. Much to our disappointment, we see Joe, Viv, Rick and Sav board the bus without coming over.
Phil however, comes out and after putting his things away, he comes trotting over to us with bare feet and starts signing our stuff. The fans are excited and I get my turn and I ask him to sign my shirt and he does and I shake his hand and tell him that I really enjoyed the show and I planned to catch them in Burlington. He smiles sexily and thanks me and tells me he's glad I enjoyed myself. He is one of the sweetest men I have met in a long time and even though Joe is my favorite, Phil is by far the most into the fan thing.
He quickly signs the others things and they go home happy. He says he has to go and goes back to the buses and gets on it. I decide that I want to meet Joe and I get in my car and follow the buses. I followed the second one and I should have followed the first but that didn't matter as I am driving, thinking I would be taken on a ten mile journey and instead, they go right around the corner to the Radisson hotel.
I am excited and I grab my sharpie and my camera and go inside. First face I see is Rick Allen. I am beyond excited, this was my first time meeting Def Leppard and the other guys are upstairs showering and changing. I was a bit disappointed cause I wanted to meet Joe but I am excited to meet Rick as well and after he's done talking to this fan, I go up to him and shake his hand and tell him it was an awesome show and that I thought Def Leppard was the best and he laughs, thanking me and I talked to him for a minute and then he had to go upstairs to join the rest of the Leps because he decided to do some fan things first.
I am thinking I won't get to meet Joe but a fan tells me that they will be back down so I sit down and chat with them for a few minutes, excited that I get a second chance to see him. Here I am, with my back to the elevators and I am talking and suddenly I hear Joe's name.
I turn around and he's RIGHT behind me. I am surprised, not to mentioned very excited. Joe Elliott the man is right next to me, less than 2 feet away and he's posing for a pic with fans and talking to them. His hair is damp from his recent shower and I was close enough that I could smell the soap he used, although I couldn't identify it now cause I was concentrating on him.
I didn't want to be rude so I waited and he poses for a few more pics and finally I get my opportunity. Let me backtrack a bit. Right before this, Sav and Viv come down and Sav makes a beeline for the bar they are going to have their after party at and I speak to him and say "Hi Sav, it's great to meet you, I loved the show." Sav shy, lowers his head and smiles ever so slightly and thanks me and keeps going.
Viv is not far behind but he too is elusive this night and he's ducking behind wife Jewel's as he heads for the bar. I say a Hi Viv, knowing he's not fooling anyone with trying to hide as if "You don't see me" hehe.
Shortly after that is when Joe shows up. After Joe finishes with the fans, I take the opportunity to go up to him and I say "Joe, it's so great to see you. I loved the show." This was all I could say. I froze BUT Joe smiles real big and takes my hand and says "It's great to see you too and glad you enjoyed the show" First thing through my mind is how soft his hands are.
First of all, it's not typical of a man to have such soft hands but Joe does and they make you just want to hang on. Anyway, as I finally get my courage up to ask for an autograph and a pic, he says he has to go and Mal whisks him away and he goes into the bar but Phil is lingering behind, talking to some fans who are friends of his too and I seize this opportunity and ask him for a pic, once he's done talking.
He gladly obliges, resting his hand on my shoulder and a fan takes a pic for us. Shortly after, Phil leaves too and Rick of course has already gone in to join the rest of them. Even though Sav and Viv didn't actually stop, I talked to them and felt it counted as meeting them. So, I met all of Def Leppard the second time ever, that I seen them in concert. It was a true Def Leppard experience.
I met Viv, Rick, Phil again 2 days Later in Burlington and this time I got Rick to sign my shirt and Viv also did that night. Joe made an appearance before the show and I missed him but since that first time, I have met Joe and the rest of the men of Def Leppard several times but still have to get my pic with Joe and Sav. I have all their autographs and my pic with everyone but Joe and Sav and met Sav a few more times and have his sig on a set list and my CD cover, signed that night by everyone.
Here I am a journalist and I still got nervous talking to Joe but then that was before I was actually serious about it and since then, it has become easier to talk to him. Still, the opportunity for a pic has been there but something always interferes but as Joe says There will be a next time. With any luck, this pic will be in an interview with him. This is my story and I have to say to those who haven't met them, take this opportunity now because Def Leppard is one of the few bands that are still very approachable and still very much care about the fans, besides Bon Jovi.
They all do I'm sure but Def Leppard is one of the few that don't have guards keeping fans at bay. Even through their share of stalkers, typical of any celebrity, they still remain available to their fans so take the opportunity and meet them, it is an experience of a lifetime.